Thursday, July 24, 2008


Blogger is great to use. It helps me to share and show the world my work.
Thanx to blogger I got a chance to view other people's work and gave me alot of new ideas.
The comments also give me great inspiration and confidence towards my work.
Blogger has changed my life.

This video shows the process of coming in every day and getting a bit further on editing the level on Unreal editor. This shows the process of the task and the fun I get to have along the way.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

This image shows the interaction of me and my flat. It shows that no matter what I do I always seem to have enough time for Digital media. The black and white cople always sit in the same spot, but I always move around. Over all this image shows the interaction between me and Digital media were ever I go.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The reason why I picked these links because they all have a large variety of information. They all contain detailed photos and very interesting videos. Most importantly they link to many other sites and blogges.

104 Digital Media project

My name is Guram Levchenko-Scott. I'm studying digital media at Victoria University. My favourite project was on the 5 of June. I made a 3 stories level in unreal tournament. My level had three different seasons summer, autumn, and winter. The reason why I decided to do that theme because I thought it be interesting to show the seasons we go through every year all at ones. When you play it using Unreal tournament you start on beneath level which is Summer. All the trees and grass are green. There's water falls and rivers. A curtain rock flies you to the on level which is autumn. There the trees are yellow, red and orange. It has a path that turns into icy, rocky stairs and when you stand on pure ice it takes you to the above level. On this level all the trees have no leaves and the ground is cover with snow. This is the highest area of the over all level, so you can see the other seasons. When I finished I was pretty stocked with my work. I end up getting A-, so I was very happy with that result.